Take a close look to the walls of this store, yes, there are hundreds of "Patas de Jamón".

The smell on the street is incredible, inside the store, is delicious.
There are lots of types of ham you can get, but you MUST try "Jamón de Bellota " (the real deal), 5 Jotas or Joselito, are the best brands, with the ones you can´t go wrong.
Believe me, there is an enormous difference between a good ham and a not so good one.

I trully believe that before you die you have to try a good ham, it is expensive, I know, but it´s worth it. Besides you just need a couple of slices to feel like you are in heaven.

It has to have fat don´t panic, better if this fat is sweating, because you should let it get to room temperature before eating it. This way it´ll melt into your mouth and make an unforgetable memorie in your mind.
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